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English (Prof. Darr)

Gale Academic One File

1. Gale Academic One File

Access the Gale Academic One File Database from the LAMC Database page. Once you select the Gale Literature Database you will be taken to the homepage. 

  • To start our search select the Advanced button located on the right hand side

Academic One File homepage

2. Advanced Search 

You will be conducting an Advanced Search on this database. The menu below shows the advance search boxes.

  • To begin, on the first search box, select the "Keyword" you will see a drop-down menu.
  • On the drop-down menu select the tab that states "Name of Work"
  • Now you may enter the title of your short story or poem.

Academic One File advanced search

3. Searching for Sources

Once you changed the drop-down menu from "Keyword" to "Name of Work" and have entered the title of your short story or poem, your search box should look like the image below.

  • Additionally, under the "More Options" header, you must click on the box titled "Full Text Documents"
  • You can click on the search button to retrieve results

Academic One File selecting full text

4. Results Page

The results page will display a number of different types of sources. On the right hand side there is a list of the types of sources starting with Academic Journals, Books, and Newspaper articles. You are currently only viewing sources from Academic Journals for the "The Tell-Tale Heart."  ​

  • From the results list, read the titles of the articles to locate a title for your topic or interest.
  • Our first result is titled "Buried in the Bedroom: Bearing Witness to Incest in Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart"
  • To select the article simply, click on the blue title.

Academic One File results page

5. Selecting a Source

Once you click on the title of the article, the entire article will be appear. The database provides a Tools box that can help you save, download, or print the articles. There is also a handy citation tool to help you cite.

Tools bar in Academic One File

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