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English 102 (Prof. Daly)

English 102 Research Assignment

Research Paper Prompt

  • Write a thesis-driven Research Paper of 6-8 pages, with clear signal phrases, in-text citations, and a discussion of each example as it relates to your claim
  • Works Cited page, following MLA documentation guidelines is required but is in addition to the min. 6 pages of literary analysis
  • Using three short stories, three poems, or a short and a play, analyze what unique insight/s one of the following literary approaches--feminist theory, gender theory, Marxist theory, critical race theory, or psychoanalytic theory--offer/s the reader
  • At least one of the stories or poems must be an "assigned" text from this class
  • Your thesis should state that this approach is relevant to all three texts and give reasons why this is so
  • Use a minimum of 3 scholarly, peer-reviewed sources accessed through LAMC databases such as EBSCOhost or AcademicFile One in your research

Research Paper Prompt

Before we find sources for the Research Assignment, we will begin with a brief tutorial on the assignment requirements. This brief introduction will be a foundational step in guiding us when using Library Databases. 

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