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Library: Citation & Style Guides: ASA Guide

MLA, APA, & ASA Style Guides

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Online Citation Tools

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ASA Quick Guide


  •             12  point font
  •              Double-spaced
  •              Number pages consecutively including the title page and reference page
  •              1 inch margins

In-Text Citations 

             When including a direct quote, the page number needs to follow the year of

             publication after a colon. There is no space between the colon and page number.

                          …Bradbury (2013:54).


  •            All references cited in the text must be listed on your reference page.
  •            All items listed on your Reference page must be found somewhere in your text.
  •            Double space and alphabetize your entries.

ASA Guide

ASA Journal Citation

ASA Book Citation

ASA Website Citation

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