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Culinary Arts OERs

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Master Class Information

About Creating a Master Class

Master Class shells are designed to be shareable with other instructors in the field. Keep this in mind while creating your course. Please read this entire document before you begin your work so that it can be appropriately formatted and organized. 

The Master Class course requirements are based on POCR (Peer Online Course Review) best practices for an online course.

In the tabs above, you will find items that must be included in your shell. Remember, you’re neutrally building this shell so that instructors adopting your course can quickly and easily remediate it for their use.  

This includes a page for the adopting instructor that describes the materials included, a separate homepage to be used for the course, modules, timeline, and if included in your stipend, ancillary materials. An adopting instructor will need a straightforward way to locate items that should be personalized for each instructor. 

All aspects of the Master Class shell you create must be accessible to all our users. PopeTech and the Canvas accessibility checker must return with zero errors to be eligible for payment. 

Once complete, these shells will be shared in Canvas Commons and eventually housed in an outside, state-run platform. 

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Required Components

The following summarizes the main pieces required within a Master Class.

  1. Course Homepage
    • Create a separate homepage that will serve as the main landing page for students. This should be engaging and informative and clearly outline course objectives, expectations, and navigation tips. 
  2. Modules
    • Organize the content into well-structured modules. Modules should follow a logical timeline and be easy for both students and instructors to understand. 
  3. Timeline
    • Ensure there is a clear timeline for completing course content. This helps instructors plan their teaching and gives students a structured path. 
  4. Ancillary Materials (if applicable)
    • If your stipend includes ancillary materials (e.g., slides, quizzes, videos), ensure these are clearly organized and easily accessible. 

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Course Homepage

The following pieces must appear on your Canvas shell's homepage. 

  1. Banner 
  2. Instructor Welcome Message Placeholder 
  3. Welcome Video Placeholder 
  4. Syllabus Placeholder 
  5. Contact Information 
  6. Provide a suggested timeline for the course and its materials 

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The information below provides significant detail on elements that must be included in your course modules. 

  1. Provide context and clear instructions for the OER resources and embed/integrate the resources into accessible Canvas pages. 
  2. Include appropriate attributions for the OER author.
    • All CC licenses require attribution.
  • Not only do you want to properly give credit for work, but you want people to be able to find the original resource easily.
  • Remember TASL:
    • T = Title
    • A = Author (tell reusers who to give credit to)

    • S = Source (give reusers a link to the resource)

    • L = License (link to the CC license deed)

  1. Welcome Students- Start Here Module 
    • Must include placeholders for the following: 
      • Welcome message 
      • Include a page or set of pages for the Syllabus as a placeholder or template. 
      • Link to this page from the Syllabus tab. 
      • Meet your instructor
      • Contact information and Zoom 
      • Necessary technology 
      • Community Ground Rules
  2. Module Template - First Page Requirements
  • Each module should include a module overview page at the top. 
  • A module template is provided on the next tab. 
  • Please follow the instructions closely to ensure that you meet stipend requirements.

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Module Template

Below are the requirements for a ZTC Master Class at Los Angeles Mission College. Each section below must appear in your course to receive stipend payments. Please note that the Master Class course requirements are based on POCR (Peer Online Course Review) best practices for an online course.

  1. Introduction Image
    • OER or personal picture used with attribution.
    • Find copyright-free images on Pixabay or Flickr.
  2. Course Content that will be covered:
  • Example: From the Course Outline of Record, we will cover A, B, and C in this module.
  1. Course Objectives
  • This module has been designed to meet the following Course Objectives:
    • Objective X: Explain how volcanic activity, weathering, ... are responsible for the origin and character of Earth's ocean and features on the seafloor.
  1. Learning Objectives
  • In this chapter, students will be able to.... 
  1. Student Learning Outcomes
  • Assignments in this chapter have been designed to assess the following Student Learning Outcome(s):
  • SLO 1: Students will be to ...
  1. Assessment of Outcomes
  • Example: The following assignments in this chapter have been designed to assess the objectives outlined above:
    • Chapter 15 Homework 
    • Chapter 15 Self-assessment Quiz
    • Optional Resources
  1. Module Summary
    • Each module should include a summary page at the end (with a brief summary of the module and a note about what comes next).
  2. Lecture Notes Template
    • Provide a template for a lecture notes page in every module. 
  3. Module Requirements
  • Adding module requirements such as "Mark as Done" for reading pages and "submit" for graded assignments is recommended.  
  • The "Mark as Done" will help students track what they have reviewed and what they haven't. The "Submit" for Introduction Discussion, Learner Info Survey, and Syllabus Quiz will help build a learning community and reach out to inactive students early.

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Student Lounge and Ancillary Materials

  • Student Lounge 
    • Ungraded "Student Lounge," "Course Q & A," or "Ask Here for Help" discussion forum in each module (offering an informal place for students to interact with other students and ask for help). 
  • Ancillaries 
    • Not all Master Class shells include developing ancillaries 
    • If you are developing ancillaries, they will need to be structurally organized.  
    • Decide on a consistent and unified labeling structure for quizzes, discussions, exams, etc.  
    • At least 10 graded discussions with rubrics 
    • Assignments/Assessments for each content module (with rubrics): this will vary by course. 

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