Master Class shells are designed to be shareable with other instructors in the field. Keep this in mind while creating your course. Please read this entire document before you begin your work so that it can be appropriately formatted and organized.
The Master Class course requirements are based on POCR (Peer Online Course Review) best practices for an online course.
In the tabs above, you will find items that must be included in your shell. Remember, you’re neutrally building this shell so that instructors adopting your course can quickly and easily remediate it for their use.
This includes a page for the adopting instructor that describes the materials included, a separate homepage to be used for the course, modules, timeline, and if included in your stipend, ancillary materials. An adopting instructor will need a straightforward way to locate items that should be personalized for each instructor.
All aspects of the Master Class shell you create must be accessible to all our users. PopeTech and the Canvas accessibility checker must return with zero errors to be eligible for payment.
Once complete, these shells will be shared in Canvas Commons and eventually housed in an outside, state-run platform.
The following summarizes the main pieces required within a Master Class.
The following pieces must appear on your Canvas shell's homepage.
The information below provides significant detail on elements that must be included in your course modules.
A = Author (tell reusers who to give credit to)
S = Source (give reusers a link to the resource)
L = License (link to the CC license deed)
Below are the requirements for a ZTC Master Class at Los Angeles Mission College. Each section below must appear in your course to receive stipend payments. Please note that the Master Class course requirements are based on POCR (Peer Online Course Review) best practices for an online course.
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