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Astronomy 001 (Professor Allevato)

Astronomy Class: Spring 2020 Poems

1: Fatal attraction force

Space has the moon and earth has the sea,  

two different places with too many forces  

but just like a magnet they want to connect.  

They both seek each other's companionship that can be at some point stronger  

but just like a relationship can become weaker as distance exists  

but when the right moment untwists the moon make it moves  

first the pulls than the response of the sea as tides change  

but now you can see the earth dismissed of the actions  

as it turns in circles to look away although take a peek here and there just to see.

2: the Big Bang

In the Beginning, there was darkness and then Bang, the birth of Universe.  

For 14 Billion years, the Big Bang gives life and freedom to its children.  

But overtime the Children will be more distant away from its Birth giver  

and the children will become isolated from the rest.  

But the Big Bang refused for its children will not be isolated,  

The Big Bang produced stars, planets, galaxies, and life in different locations,  

including one familiar galaxy has more than 8 planets,  

in it is our own solar system that has a star  

at the same time, one of planets has life and the name of this planets is called Earth.

3: Moon Compared

Shying away with its light mass, the moon could not compare 

Mass of the moon was less than half of earths, mass vanished into thin air  

All around the atmosphere shied away the moon, leaving astronauts wondering, will  

I see you soon? Overshadowing the night sky, Apollo’s flights landed 

View it’s cratered face, the surface for everyone to share  

Lighting in the night sky, together interest we share.   

On how the moon could not compare Poem.

4: Theories are Ideas Until Experimented

Trial and error are a part of science 

It lights the path to new knowledge 

Do not be afraid of the unknown 

There is no answer without question 

5: A Tour of the Universe

Though we travel the stars 

It’s an endless journey 

Much to learn we have 

Of the universe 

The universe is vast and endless 

With much to be discovered 

Though we persist in achieving knowledge 

Dark Matter still eludes us. 

No matter the time and distance 

We shall overcome the challenges 

To uncover the secrets of the universe. 

6: Thank you Light!

You that can be reflected from a surface, the smoother and the shiny that the surface is, I can calculate the direction of your reflected beam. 

Thank you light because thanks to the reflection and refraction of your basic properties, it is possible to make all optical instruments. 

Thank you light because, with those devices, you make me see how shiny and beautiful life is. 

Thank you light because with an astronomical telescope you show me, how shiny and marvelous the sky is. 

Thank you light because you give life thanks to your light to people that cannot see by using glass lenses. 

7: Bright Stars Speckle our Universe

Bright stars speckle our universe, giving off brilliant light.  

But like all beautiful things, they too must die.   

Exploding in a supernova, they die a glorious death.   

Leaving traces of gas and dust for millions of miles away.  

Although the star is no more, its presence is still there.  

With a fluorescence light show surrounding everywhere 

8: Numbers

Sometimes you love them, sometimes you hate them 

Some are big, some are small 

Sometimes you have a lot of them,  

Sometimes you have very little of them 

Some are funny, some are even heroes  


Love them on pay day, Hate them on test day 

As big as a whale, As small as plankton  

A lot like the stars in the sky, A little like the rovers on Mars 

Funny like 789, because 7 8 9, and Heroes like my friend Zer0!

9: I Would Like to Know, where are you?

According to the latitude and longitude coordinate. Wherever you are,

the axis of rotation of the Earth will define your location 

between its north, south and Ecuador poles 

Where you are, earth movements will indicate 

If you are in the east to west, anywhere in the north or south, you will be. 

If you were a star, galaxy or a celestial object 

I would place you from my planet Earth 

I would use declination coordinates and ascension right 

Find the position of your location using the fictional celestial sphere 

between the points in the sky called the north and south celestial pole, 

using the celestial coordinates, I will place you in the sky. 

Between heaven and earth, your location is not hidden. 

10: Traveling Through the Galaxy

Let’s learn about the stars. 

First there is the brightest one, the incandescent Sun. 

Around the Sun there are planets eight.  

Tiny world, terrestrial planets are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. 

Next on our journey here, we travel near, four Jovian planets.  

They’re large and in charge, 

March to another tune...Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. 

One tiny planet more, to add to the score.  

Though some call its fate...Wake and see, the icy world Pluto. 

11: I am terrestrial

I am terrestrial, the four planets closet to the sun  

please continue to read me as we have learned and have fun 

I am named Mercury I’m the second hottest planet 

The slowest to rotate but the closest to the sun 

A year on my surface is 88 days,I’m the smallest but I’m lots of fun 

I am named Venus. The second planet from the sun yet I’m lots of fun 

I’m the hottest planet for anyone I’m the third brightest after the sun and moon 

And one day on me is longer than one year on earth 

I am Earth. I spin on my axis every 24 hours  

Flying through the air I am the planet you live on  

The only planet with known life, from birds, to bees, and bears 

So many types of living things from forest to ocean seas 

Please don’t take them for granite 

And enjoy my beauty while working hard to take care 

Of the place we all call home. 

My Name is Mars I am red in color. The fourth planet from the sun 

Home to the tallest mountain in the solar system  

A volcano named Olympus Mons  

And I have had eighteen missions visit me successfully 

12: "Who is Mercury?"

I have lived a lifetime and many more next to the sun 

Being the smallest planet is never all that fun 

I am stuck between a Star and a hard place 

They say I am unique  

They say my core is strong like the metallic moon  

The moon, my twin brother 

No other has endured the catastrophe this universe has to offer  

We both have no atmosphere, breathing in the sky at night  

Absent magnetic field that keeps all but myself in the light  

Fifty-nine days in rotation pass  

I am first of a revolution; I still feel last  

I am cratered and shrinking in the heat of the sun  

Being that small planet has never been fun  

13: Shooting Stars

A large streak across the sky 

Seems like “shooting stars” tonight 

Although they burn 

And have different terms  

Meteors pierce the atmosphere  

And burn up like a candles light

14: Oh, Wonders of the Sky

your enigmatic presence has blinded the human eye. 

Ancient civilizations said you controlled their fate;  

by the forces of nature, you displayed your course. 

Babylonia birthed Astrology to depict the planets position 

as a compass to guide their rulers to bring riches to their land. 

Greeks claimed that your powers  

and alignment controlled their destiny.  

From the time of their birth they know their worth. 

Oh, wonders of the sky-sun, moon, and planets of the sky,  

I'm in awe at your beauty and mystery,  

but I have opened my eyes through this class.  

My birthdate is not a sign for your planets to dictate my life. 

15: TheElectromagnetic Spectrum Travels in Many Forms

You may not see it, but it always greets you with its waves. 

From listening to your radio to warming up your food. 

It helps us when we need it the most. 

So remember, the next time you see something,  

you are always being waved at. 

16: Stars Falling in From Everywhere

Dust clouds manifesting inside out  

Colours only seen to believe their brilliance.   

Planets colliding 

Solar systems offering silence.   

Moons defending restless meteors that seem lost at the gate.   

A planet resides west offering food, shelter and light 

Are you ready to hold on tight?   

Entering the atmosphere with the weight of an eternal flight.  Help me.   

Ready to die with overwhelming fight. 

A raw silence hits the delicate shields of plasma that give off a radiance of fire.  

Shades of blue await  

Living eyes that are here to communicate. 

The journey is only beginning  

As this one Terminates. 

17: Fifteen Years Dreams Coming True

A Pluto Fly-By, 

Everything on Queue 

And no what is there to do? 

Wait for the pictures. 

Examine the evidence. 

Prove Pluto is a Planet? 

18: We Can Thank Kepler

We can thank Kepler for the laws of planetary motion 

I’m sure it can seem like a complicated notion  

Planets go round with the sun at its focus  

They never stop like magic, hocus-pocus  

The closer to the sun the faster they travel  

Their path an ellipse is kind of like an oval  

They travel through the chaos left from the past  

They say it started with one huge blast 

19: Telescopes

Collect Faint Light from Astronomical sources,  

in order to bring proper forms of focus,  

which reveals a whole new world of holiness.  

From an instrument brings forth assortment based on wondrous wavelengths,  

which illustrates glorious alliances.  

Light is directed to a director, in order to establish a Permanent record.  

A telescope light gathering power is determined 

by the diameter of its opening or aperture,  

which corresponds by its primary lens or mirror.  

20: My Home Galaxy

The Milky Way began as just gas,  

though now its orbits are full of trash.  

It happened 4.5 billion years ago, 

The explosion threw debris in a circular flow. 

At the center became huge hot Sun, that scientist say it’s growing til it’s gone.  

Surrounded by 9 planets 

Wait, my mistake, dammit, now only 8Pluto is a fake. 

They all go around in a circle 

Our eyes can only see them at night when they sparkle. 

You can see Venus and Mars 

As big bright stars. 

Which can easily be confused for Sirius 

Though only for short periods. 

The 3rd planet is Earth 

That is our place of birth 

It has the perfect temperature combination 

This makes a possible human nation  

There are infinite reasons that make life possible 

The scientific list is probably exhaustible. 

For example, Earths’ steady and constant gravity 

Adds some fun to physical activity. 

I can probably keep going 

But that’s it for this poem. 

21: Rings and Moons Poem

How beautiful to witness a ring on a finger, on a shelf,  

on the planets in our solar system. 

Icy like a cool winter breeze and dark like a shadow in the night. 

A cold temperature can make the hairs on your arms rise  

and compounds as organic as ice and rock form. 

With moons orbiting in a direction we aren’t familiar with,  

it is impossible for only one to exist. 

Moons and rings coexisting together on planets we cannot live on. 

If we could then we would witness all 67 moons Jupiter has to offer. 

If we could then we would look up to see all 62 moons Saturn has to show. 

If we could then we would go outside to see all 27 moons Uranus has on display. 

If we could then we would embrace the light all 14 moons Neptune has for us. 

But alas we cannot step outside and see for ourselves 

without the help of science and books on the shelves.  

And even though we cannot witness this it is okay,  

as that territory is unknown territory and reserved for space anyway.

23: Stardust

We are stardust  

we are golden  

and we have to get ourselves back to the garden,  

with souls made of flames,  

we are all just stars that have people names 

24: Galaxies

An abundance of Galaxies  

Far out in a black sea 

Waiting for new discoveries 

Some come in clusters 

Like a hive of bees 

With a Quasar that is very bright 

Like a new flask light 

25: The Moon in all it's Glory

Its origins come from an ancient story 

Although you hold a small iron core  

You look big to us in the night sky as you sore 

It is said that you formed from a major impact 

Two worlds collided and did not stay intact 

The result was your formation 

You were now the Moon 

But you are not alone as you orbit the Earth 

You've been in orbit since your birth 

Through time you have change  

Your surface has been hit with asteroids 

Both lowlands and highlands have been formed 

Countless craters have been left behind 

The spots on your surface are representative of your pass 

Magma has been spilled out of your surface 

Large dark spots have been formed as a result  

These spots we're dubbed Maria  

Once believed to be seas  

Oh, Moon why is it that we can only see one side of you? 

You are a friend but yet a stranger  

You show your nearside but not your far side 

Is it something your hiding? 

Is it the reason why you move further?  

and further away from us every day.  

Are you jealous that you do not have the atmosphere Earth has? 

Oh, if you only knew you are the most perfect  

Moon in our entire Solar System. 

26: Rose is Red

Violet is blue 

But in this case 

If I show red 

The father I am, 

 Away from you. 

If move, you move 

Just like that 

27: Energy, It Exists in the External

Some would say even internal 

Flowing through the vacuum 

Of space, nothing, and something 

Mass, it is what makes us matter 

On the inside, it is what makes us whole Light, it illuminates the dark. 

Other worldly distances it travels. 

28: Cosmic Rays

Cosmic rays of mystery, as the supernovas? 

Where do they come from?  

Cosmic rays of mystery not many know where to find them,  

the mysterious cosmic rays similar to high speed of light 

Some believe they are high-speed nuclei and electrons 

By looking at the light we can tell where they come from, 

Cosmic rays of mystery. 

We can tell how far they’ve traveled before striking Earth, 

The mysterious cosmic ways. 

29: Gravity and Orbits

Gravity is a force that affects us all 

If we’re on Earth, it makes things fall 

But out there in space it plays a bigger role; 

of the planets' orbits it's in control. 

For having this knowledge, we can all thank 

the great Sir Isaac Newton who took on the task of asking the questions  

that gave us his laws which also extended our understanding of Kepler's laws. 

Now thanks to these men we can understand 

In shaping the orbits of things in the sky; 

Such as planets, satellites, comets and asteroids, 

That motion and gravity both land a hand  

And without these men we might have never known why. 

Using these laws, we can see why 

Elliptical orbits have a place in the sky 

And if we want to know where in orbit, they are Perihelion and aphelion  

as well as perigee and apogee can guide us there 

30: Massive Stars

In your center, 

Particles smash together. 

Creating such bright light, 

Traveling so far just to be in our sight. 

You have come and you have gone 

With your children carrying on your song. 

Started from wind, just to make sea then earth, 

O’ so many minerals you have all birthed. 

Elements, clashing and fusing 

Until winds send them cruising 

Across the universe you all fly 

Until we see you in the sky. 

A star lives as it dies, 

As lights in our eyes 

31: The Earth's Crust

You are the layer that holds the beauty of life and vegetation upon itself 

Whether it be oceanic or continental 

You are thin like skin that helps hold everything together 

With the help of igneous rocks and the process of plate tectonics to shape your form 

Without you we, the life that walks upon your surface, would be torched 

By the fiery layer known as the mantel 

The Protector, the outermost, thinnest layer…The Earth’s Crust 

32: Beauty When We Look Up

Beauty when we look up, because of their luster 

We can thank the star cluster 

Stars formed around the same time 

Almost the same, each a different prime 

Beauty when we look up, because of their flicker 

A higher mass, evolves quicker 

How we wish they were closer 

A lower mass, evolves slower 

Beauty when we look up, because of the universe 

Their fate, they cannot reverse 

Like all things, stars are doomed to perish 

So our lives, we must cherish before our inevitable end 

33: Planetary Evolution

The Earth is rocky as we know it, 

But it isn’t the only as for planets 

Mercury, Venus and Mars are rocky too. 

Earth is the only inhabitable planet; 

Venus is an inferno, while Mars is freezing cold 

The perfect distance from the Sun is my home 

Earth is my home. 

34: Astronomy

Astronomy, you are a never ending and universal science. 

The ancient Egyptians were amazed  

by the brightness of Sirius as much as we are today, 

From Aristotle convincing people that the Earth is round  

to people today protesting that it is flat. 

There are many stars inside of the Milky Way  

waiting to be discovered by us humans.  

The Universe is filled with endless possibilities.  

Thank you, Ancient Astronomy.  

35: Tycho Being Born to a Danish Nobility Family

Causing early interest in beautiful astronomy. 

Exploding stars that flared up to great, 

brilliance in the night sky. 

The moon and then the Pleiades go down.

36: Through Your Lens

I find no beginning and no end. 

You collect visible light and reveal the magic of the sky.  

You’ve come a long way since Galileo’s time. 

It was a reflector at the time.  

With a convex objective lens and a concave eyepiece in a long tube.

Through your lens ,  

I find no beginning and no end. 

Your eye piece focus is an image that seems so close but is so distant.  

With different eyepieces, magnification can be changed; 

That which seems so small like a dancing star really is mesmerizing in size.  

You can be small or huge in size. 

Costing billions to display your elegance. 

You’ve come a long way since Galileo’s time and have revealed the mystery of the dancing stars. 

Through your lens,  

I find no beginning and no end. 

You are my telescope! 

37: Solar Eclipse

Wake up I am here 

For you to observe and learn 

Cosmic Consciousness 

Lunar Eclipse 

Self-awareness grows 

We see our colors reflect 

No fear

We come alive. 

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